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BMW is one of the most recognized brands in the world and is often associated with luxury and performance. With a whole host of different car models, the brand is trusted as one of the best German car manufacturers in the world. However, there might be a few BMW 1 series engine problems you should be aware of before buying.
If you own the petrol version of the BMW 1 series, the coil pack failure is one of the most common problems many people experience. It is characterized by a spike in the engine temperature and the smell of petrol. However, fixing the issue is as simple as replacing the coil pack, which can be done in the comfort of your home.
If you are an owner of the BMW 1 series, you might have come across a couple of performance issues, and sorting these out can be frustrating. However, we have done some research to help you better understand these issues. We will look at some of the functionality and what you can do to prevent and solve these issues.
BMW 1 Series Engine Problems & Solutions
Generally, the BMW is rather reliable. However, a few common engine issues are often part of the package and you will need to make sure that you have them fixed as soon as possible. Here, we will look at some of these common problems to ensure that you do not have to deal with any further problems with your BMW.
1. Coil Pack Failure
Problem: As mentioned, the coil pack failure is one of the most common failures that you will find on your BMW 1 series. It is often characterized by an engine running inconsistently and you might notice sudden rises in the temperature of the engine. It could be daunting to cool down the engine when you are dealing with it.
The smell of petrol in the cabin is another indicator and you might even think you have a fuel leak in your vehicle. However, the smell is often just due to the failure. If it gets worse, the temperatures could harm your engine and other components.
Solution: One of the best things you can do is to replace the coil pack of your car. You can do this at home or have a specialized mechanic assist you in making it functional. However, older models seem to have this more frequently and could have other underlying issues, which means your mechanic is the best option.
2. Idling Problem From A Cold Start
Problem: While this issue does not affect everyone, in colder regions of the country, some users have reported having idling problems when starting the car cold. An erratic idling sound that will often make you switch off the car can be heard, especially if it is happening for the first time with your BMW 1 series.
The needle on the REV counter might also be a bit erratic and can often jump up and down, instead of remaining in a constant position. You will also notice a bigger increase in the consumption of fuel for your vehicle, which could be daunting, to say the least.
Solution: Your ECU might be a bit scrambled and while the issue seems to affect the engine, the root cause comes from the electronics. This is one of the most common issues with this can in cold weather conditions. Reprogramming the ECU is the only solution and you will have to visit a reputable BMW mechanic with electronic access to fix this.
3. Failing Turbocharger
Problem: One of the best additions to most BMW vehicles is their insistence on adding the turbocharger to the vehicle. The turbocharger is responsible for helping with plenty of factors, including performance. However, BMW has had some issues when it comes to the reliability of the turbocharger and how long it will often last.
The problem seems more common in the diesel version of the car. You might notice smoke rising from the engine, which could get you worried. However, the main culprit is the turbocharger. You should try to get this issue fixed as soon as possible if you find that you have it.
Solution: While the turbocharger can be fixed, it is often better for you to have it replaced. Once the turbo starts making these issues, it can tend to continue with it. You should have the turbo replaced by your local mechanic, but it will also be very expensive to do so.
4. Timing Chain Failure
Problem: While some people might consider this one of the common issues on the BMW 1 series, it is one of the least found issues in the newer models. In some of the older models, the timing chain might randomly give in and this could lead to serious issues. The car will stop working and often cease.
If the problem occurs while you are driving or when the engine is running, it could get messy and the snapping process could damage a whole host of other issues within your engine. Doing regular maintenance is one of the best ways to ensure that you do not have to deal with this issue too much.
Solution: Due to the significant damage that the timing chain can cause, it is best to keep to your service schedule and often see if you can avoid it. However, you will need to have some assistance in replacing this if other parts of the car are damaged. We would recommend using your mechanic to your advantage when you can.
5. Judder In The Clutch
Problem: This issue might not be specifically focused on the engine, but it will hamper the movement of your car. The clutch judder can be described as a vibration when you are pulling away in first gear and this will often scare you if you are not used to it. The judder does not cause any significant harm but could wear out the clutch.
Once you have a worn-out clutch, you will see how expensive it can be to repair your vehicle. The clutch is one of the most expensive parts of any car. It needs to be replaced and often sets you back more than you bargained for.
Solution: If your BMW is doing this, you could visit your dealership. BMW has released a software fix for this issue due to the connection of the clutch to the engine. A couple of DIY fixes are available and these could help. However, you want professional assistance with this issue to ensure you can get the job done.
6. Start/Stop Not Working
Problem: One way that modern manufacturers have tried to reduce the use of fuel is to add the start/stop feature. This means that when you stop, the vehicle switches off and turns back on when you stomp on the gas pedal. However, the BMW 1 series has a few flaws with this that could be daunting for some.
While it might not directly affect the performance, it is an indicator that the battery is not holding enough charge. Before you overreact, you should look at the engine temperatures as well. These will give you an idea of why it is not working. The engine needs some form of heat to ensure that this component works efficiently.
Solution: The solution would be to have the battery tested if this is a persistent issue during the day. However, early in the morning or when you are dealing with excessively cold temperatures, you might just want the car to warm up correctly. The issue could often resolve itself if you just get some temperature in the tires.
How Long Does A BMW 1 Series Last?
The BMW 1 Series is one of the more reliable vehicles on the market today. If you take good care of the car, you could get more miles than you ever bargained for. The standard mileage before real issues start will be at the 100,000-mile mark. However, some users have managed to take it past the 250,000-mile mark.
Is It Expensive To Maintain A BMW 1 Series?
When you think of maintenance, you often want a car that does not break the bank when something goes wrong. While the BMW 1 Series is a very reliable car, it can be expensive when it comes to upkeep. BMW cars are notoriously expensive to repair and some of the replacement parts need sourcing from Germany.
How Often Do You Service A BMW 1 Series?
The BMW 1 Series has the same service plan and recommendations that many other cars have. You should service it at least once every 12,000-miles. If you do not reach 12,000-miles in 12 months, you should service the car once a year. You always want to be on top of possible issues to save you the expenses that come with driving a BMW.