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Nissan Qashqai Red Engine Light: 4 Possible Causes

Nissan Qashqai Red Engine Light

Nissan Qashqai Red Engine Light: 4 Possible Causes

Most modern vehicles and even some older vehicles are equipped with a “check engine light”. It is often an orange or red light that comes on the dashboard whenever you turn on the vehicle. The purpose of the light is to indicate that something serious is wrong with the engine. Understanding the Nissan Qashqai Red Engine Light is an important part of knowing your car.

The engine light can flash in a variety of colors and these range from amber, orange, and even red. The red light means that you have a serious fault and should stop immediately to check what is the issue. In the Nissan Qashqai, an engine control system malfunction is the main cause for the engine light to turn red. For most faults, it should flash orange unless the issue is ignored or aggravated.

If you are one of the unlucky victims of the red engine light, you must figure out what is causing it. Should the light turn on with any color, you should try to see what the possible faults are on your Nissan Qashqai. The following article will focus on some of the potential issues that might be causing the Nissan Qashqai Red Engine Light:

What Is An Engine Control System Malfunction?

dashboard lights
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The engine control system is the brain of your vehicle and it is responsible for all the functions and controls of the car. If any component does not work, it will affect the engine control system and the system will notify you on the dashboard that something is not well with your vehicle. Occasionally, it might be a communication failure, but it should be something you take careful note of.

Since the failure can be from a wide array of different issues, you should take your vehicle to your local mechanic. They will start eliminating possible issues until the problem is found. The following few possible causes could be things that might be responsible for the red engine light, but you have to make sure you know what you are looking for.

Nissan Qashqai Red Engine Light: Possible Causes & Solutions

With the Nissan Qashqai being one of the more reliable vehicles from the manufacturer, it is hard to think that it could have significant issues. However, used and older models seem to have the worst issue and you must know what to look for. Once you know what faults to look for, you should be able to counteract them or fix them:

1. Injector Failure

pouring oil into car
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Problem: One of the big issues with the Nissan Qashqai, especially the 1.5 dCi is that the injectors fitted tend to be a little bit unreliable. Once they come into contact with poor-quality fuel, you might notice that the engine light comes on. They can often become clogged very easily and this will affect the fuel pump to your engine.

Solution: While you will have to replace the injectors if you notice this issue, you could also prevent it. By regularly changing or cleaning the fuel filter, you can remove some of the fuel build-ups that will cause these clogging issues. The fuel injectors might be very easy to replace, but they remain one of the more expensive components of your Qashqai.

2. EGR Valve Sticking

back of a nissan
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Problem: The EGR valve is common on many modern vehicles and the purpose of the component is to reduce the carbon emissions of your vehicle at the exhaust. However, many of these gasses contain heavy carbon deposits and this could affect your engine performance when you have some deposits sticking to the valve. The valve might get clogged and this will keep the deposits trapped in your exhaust.

Solution: Once the engine light comes on, this could be one of the main reasons and you will notice an increase in fuel consumption and lack of performance. Taking apart the valve and cleaning it will be the main fix. However, you might want to consider using better quality fuels to ensure that you reduce carbon deposits.

3. Timing Belt Failure

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Problem: The timing belt is one of the most important parts of your vehicle. It is a common failure issue in older Nissan Qashqai models and the reason seems to be over-zealous service intervals. It is recommended that you replace the timing belt every 50-60,000 miles and have it checked with each service interval.

Solution: Once the timing belt fails, it can be frustrating to have it fixed or replaced. One of the main preventative measures could be more regular service intervals. Once it fails, you might not even notice the engine light and the vehicle will not start. However, this is something that needs to be replaced and fixed ASAP.

4. Turbo Failure

car engine turbo
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Problem: While not all Nissan Qashqai models have a fitted turbo, the diesel models are fitted with a turbocharged 4-cylinder engine. If you do not take special care of the turbo or if maintenance is neglected, the turbo could fail. This will be felt with a lack of power and performance issues. You might feel like the car does not move.

Solution: The solution is simple and the turbo will need to be replaced. It is one of the more expensive fixes you can make to your vehicle, but it is an essential part of the diesel models. Regular service intervals and more conservative driving could help prevent this issue.


Can You Drive The Nissan Qashqai With A Red Engine Light

The engine light is an indicator that something is wrong with your vehicle. Depending on the issue, the vehicle might still be drivable. However, one rule of thumb is to stop driving the car once the engine light comes on. You should find out what the issue is to prevent it from becoming worse and damaging other components.

What Is The Most Common Reason For The Engine Light?

The engine light is the main indicator that something serious is wrong with your car. However, the main reason for the light is said to be replacing a faulty oxygen sensor. Fortunately, this is one of the easier fixes, but it could be worse if something else is the issue.

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