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Ford EcoBoost engines have been made to provide vehicles with more power while producing fewer emissions and being more fuel-efficient. This is a huge advantage for people who want to reduce environmental damage. If you have such an engine, you were probably very excited to use it for the first time. But just like any other engine, Ford EcoBoost ones may have their own problems – for example, you might experience a Ford EcoBoost not starting.
If your Ford EcoBoost is not starting this is often the result of defective spark plugs, rodent damage, a corroded or weak battery, or faulty fuel pumps. Finding the problem on time may help you deal with it sooner, so your engine doesn’t get more and more damage as time goes by.
Below, we are going to focus on the most common causes for a Ford EcoBoost not starting and tell you how to fix the issue.
Rodent Damage
While it seems highly unlikely, rodent damage is something that could happen to any vehicle. Your Ford EcoBoost may not start because a rodent crawled under your car and started biting through the wires and cables. If you live in an area that you know is having a rodent problem, then you should start inspecting the vehicle carefully.
Cars start malfunctioning because of rodent damage, especially considering that things like the power supply, oil supply, or fuel supply can be affected.
If you check into the engine compartment, you should be able to see the damage done by the rodent. If you notice any signs, then this could be the reason why your EcoBoost is not starting. Take the vehicle to a workshop and have a mechanic repair the damage. Bear in mind that this can be quite expensive, though.
Faulty Spark Plugs
When spark plugs are defective, you can expect that the EcoBoost engine will not start. Usually, the plug connections on the ignition system end up coming loose, which is what is causing the spark plug problem and preventing your Ford from starting.
Luckily, you can easily fix the problem yourself if one of the spark plugs came loose. But if one of the spark plugs is damaged and has failed, you must go to a workshop so that they can replace it.
Blown Fuse
This is a rare problem, but it’s still worth checking your vehicle for this if your Ford EcoBoost won’t start. A blown fuse tends to lead to the breakdown of the car, so you should look at all the fuses in the fuse box that are needed to start the EcoBoost engine.
However, you should be extremely careful if you are going to do this yourself. It’s best to handle the repairs in a workshop since the box is under power.
Failure of the Fuel Pump
Another possible cause for a Ford EcoBoost not starting could be a fuel pump failure. The engine needs fuel to be passed to its injection system from the tank. This can be done smoothly by using pressure.
Many times, the fuel pump starts wearing out or gets contaminated. The chances are that you will notice signs before it completely stops being functional. If the vehicle starts breaking down sometimes, the engine tends to jerk a little, you are having a hard time starting the car, the engine’s performance drops, and ultimately the Ford EcoBoost doesn’t start anymore, then you should check the fuel pump.
It’s best to replace the defective fuel pump in a workshop.
Battery Corrosion
Corrosion on the battery’s contacts can also cause the EcoBoost engine of your Ford vehicle to stop working. This can be quite frustrating, but fortunately, it is not difficult to fix the problem.
To find out if the contacts have corrosion, you should start investigating. Lift the rubber covers from the battery terminals. If you notice any white or silvery-green deposits, this is corrosion. All you have to do now is clean the battery.
A Weak Battery
A weak battery is perhaps one of the most common reasons for Ford EcoBoost engines not starting. This is especially the case if the engine cranks very slowly or doesn’t crank at all. If the battery is new, then it may have not reached its full capacity yet. This is not always the case, though, so you need to investigate.
Do a battery voltage test and check the acid level. If the voltage check gives you 12-13 volts, then everything is okay. But anything below 11.5 volts or above 14 volts will require professional intervention.
You may also be able to fix this issue by doing a jump start. Use another car’s healthy battery and use jumper cables to jump-start it.
A Ford EcoBoost not starting is often caused by battery issues, a defective fuel pump, defective spark plugs, or rodent damage. Use this guide to find the issues with your Ford EcoBoost and you may be able to fix them before things get worse.
Is the Ford EcoBoost a good engine?
Ford EcoBoost engines are very good. They are powerful and also have less of a negative impact on the environment. But of course, this doesn’t make them completely free of problems.
Are there issues with Ford EcoBoost?
Sometimes, Ford EcoBoost owners discover problems with the ignition coils, spark plugs, and battery.
How long will a Ford EcoBoost engine last?
According to Ford, the lifespan of the EcoBoost engine is approximately 150,000 miles. But if taken care of properly, it can last for at least 250,000 miles.